Online marketing has far more tools and strategies to ensure your marketing plan meets the business goal. The internet keeps updating and being more and more modern, activating, accessible and useful for users all over the world. Hence, online marketing proves its efficiency in doing research, attracting and satisfying customers’ need. You may wonder the relationship between online marketing and SEO (Search Engine Optimization), so why don’t we analyze all the aspects of SEO related to marketing.

As you may realize in the picture above, SEO is a sub-category of SEM (Search Engine Marketing), works based on the formulation and activities of Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. SEO assists in increasing the traffic to your website by putting your web page on top search rank with specific keywords. Meanwhile, PPC (Pay per click) is an ad tool on search engine which costs you every click on your site. While users easily realize which ones are ads, they tend to ignore result from results with PPC.
SEO and Online Marketing

Profound understanding of SEO will be your first step to approach online marketing. Marketing targets at customers’ need and satisfaction bring your brand closer to them. To make marketing plan carry out effectively, SEO is a very important part which belongs to SEM and Online marketing strategy. Here are some aspects related to this relationship:
Study customers’ need : SEO will study current trend of keywords related to clients’ products and services for the content and demand of searching and seeking information, even some related aspects to plan the content of website to gain clients’ trust.
Attract viewrs: The core of SEO is to attract more and more viewers to your website and let them see your products and benefits your company offer if your clients use the services or products. Providing useful content or backlink is one of the effective ways to increase the interaction between your company and the clients. For the being sakes, your website turns out more appealing to viewers and keeps them stay longer on your site.
Satisfy customers’ need: The more you can satisfy customers’ need, the more opportunities for you to approach them. It’s SEO’s mission to satisfy viewers’ need of searching information on your site, which is quite easy.
Clients are core audience: All algorithms created by Google aim at their clients (the seekers), which forces the SEO agents to comply with them to reach for higher rank on searching result list. Like the target of online marketing: the more clients, the better. Once you handle SEO strategy well, your online marketing campaign will run effectively.
Are you looking for a high-qualified and affordable SEO companies Singapore providing trustworthy complete SEO service package?
SEO Singapore guarantees your website top places in major search engines with our Top SEO Singapore team. We always find out the best way to improve technical SEO and boost your business. If you have any concern on SEO process or you are looking for the best SEO Company Singapore to assist you with any SEO needs, simply reach us at +65 6659 2659!
- Source: Your first step to approach Online Marketing
- See more: How SEO Service Singapore Can Boost Your Business?
Nice blog. Thanks for sharing useful infomation.
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