What is bounce rate?
One of the most underestimated and under-valued metrics of any website’s SEO campaign is the site’s “bounce rate”.
Bounce rate is the percentage of single page visits (or web sessions). It is the number of visits in which a person leaves your website from the landing page without browsing any further. Google analytics calculates and reports the bounce rate of a web page and one of a website. (refers to : Optimizesmart)
According to SEO experts Singapore, “bounce” is when a searcher uses Google to find your site via specific keyword searches and, upon clicking your Google listing for said keywords, immediately (or within a specific time frame that isn’t defined by Google)
clicks the “back” button on his/her browser, thus taking the searcher back to the Google listings. (see more at : SEOhermit)
How Google Analytics Calculate Bounce Rate?
Bounce rate of a web page= total number of bounces on a page (in a given time period) / total number of entrances on the page (in the same time period)
Here, Bounces is the number of single page visits resulting from the page and Entrances is the number of times visitors entered you site on the page
Bounce rate of a website = total number of bounces across all the pages on the website (in a given time period) / total number of entrances across all the pages on the website (in the same time period)

The bounce rate of the page 1 is calculated as: [total bounces (2070)/total entrances (2424)] *100 = 85.40%
The bounce rate of the home page ( / ) is calculated as: [total bounces (171)/total entrances (416)] *100 = 41.11%
The bounce rate of the website is calculated as: [total bounces (4039)/total entrances (5400)] *100 = 74.80%
What are solutions to keep visitors stay longer on your page?
First impression
Design comes along with site’s stickiness. When visiting a website, the first impression you have is its professional design. A website without care won’t catch the eye of visitors let alone keep them remain reading its content, except for the desired information on that page that users are looking for. Before deciding to return, a visitor must engage with a website in providing him/her with what he/she is looking for, in a usable format that looks good. If the first impression can be done, you’re half way towards attaining the stickiness. Visual and branding are important, but equally important how those visuals and branding are integrated with the functionality and users’ experience.
Improve your content quality

Once deciding to stop by a web page, you always want to find something useful, helpful and informative to read rather than a long, broken piece of dense text. It’s very important to make your content readable and interesting enough to keep people on your website. Why not try the following tips:
Make each paragraph moderately long and concise. If it’s too long comparing to other ones, cut them out so that they consist no more than 2-5 sentences.
Use subhead to introduce the paragraph and divide the content into sections
You can number the list to make it easier to remember and organize.
Use bold or italic keywords/ phrases
Highlight important words/ phrases with different colors.
Add internal links

Another contributing factor to high bounce rates is the failure to present readers with multiple content options that might interest them. Hence, adding links to other related pages is another simple way to keep visitors on your site longer. You can help people find other information they’re looking for via additional links though they may contain SEO value. However, don’t stuff keywords with additional links.
Insert “related post” plugin
There are many plugins that offer the “related posts” functionality. They add at the bottom of a post links to content on your site that is related to the post. Check out, for instance, the related posts at the bottom of this article. The plugin will identify posts that are contextually similar and group them together. Your visitor now has the opportunity to read additional posts on your blog that are similar to the post they initially found. Well why not help your visitors to do that while keeping them on your site? In this way, the visitor spends more time on your site visiting more pages. You’ve just made a visitor happier, and your site stickier, and now you’re getting more search engine love.
Hopefully these solutions can improve your site’s performance though there should be careful investigation of your site’s analytics data to assess exactly the losses and ways to prevent them.
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